When I went back to America, I didn't have too much time to pack stuff here in Korea. I pretty much threw in a few outfits, and went. I did have enough mental energy to think through the fact that I'd probably be doing some shopping while I was Stateside, so I brought two empty suitcases with me. When I came back to Korea, they were most certainly NOT empty.
What kinds of things might a Midwestern expat in Korea want to stock up on, you might ask? Well, here in full color is the answer. Yes, I did actually manage to fit all of that into suitcases. It was something of an ordeal. If you don't believe me, just ask my dad. He hates my packing adventures ;)
This is the grand overview is all of the non-clothes items I bought to take back with me.

Believe it or not, I haven't been able to find any gummy snacks or body spritz in Korea. So, I made sure I had plenty of both!
Yes, that is a red waffle iron. Yes, it does make heart shaped waffles. Yes, it was in the valentine's day clearance. Yes, I will have to transform the electricity before I can use it in Korea. Yes, it is TOTALLY worth it ;)
Thankfully, all of the boxes of mix fit into one of my carryons, and I didn't have to factor them into the weight restrictions at all. It would have been unfortunate if I did have to weigh all of them.
That plastic thing with a handle is for transporting various baked goods around on the subway. I'm hoping that it will make it significantly easier.
Here is one reason why America is a great country. Do you see those Dr. Seuss books? Dr. Seuss is a WONDERFUL tool for teaching English. Each one of those books was only $5 each! It was pretty exciting!
Possibly the most ridiculous purchases I made, a pillow and a memory foam mattress pad. Bedding in Korea is quite different from Western bedding, and it has proven to be quite uncomfortable. It was a major major pain to get this stuff back to Seoul with me, but it has been totally worth it!
In other news, I got to spend a lovely valentine's day with my friends Sarah, Sarah and Wei Wei. It was quite interesting having three Sarahs in one house, but at least it was easy for Wei Wei to get our attention! Whenever she called for any of us, we were all paying attention to her!
Note the two lovely vases of roses. One of them came from Sarah K's parents in Indy, and one of them came from Wei Wei's boyfriend in Morocco. We were a very international household.
Dinner is served!
Hello Wei Wei!