Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Apartment Tour

Here is the much anticipated video tour of the apartment! I made it with my little point and shoot camera, so the quality is a little sketchy, but it will give you the general idea! Enjoy!!


Craig said...

You should post an "after" video when you figure out how to work your door. Seriously, though, it looks pretty nice. The view's not great, but at least you get sunlight, right? Also, how are you surviving without a more comfortable reading chair? That's the one thing I would really miss.

Sarah said...

Yeah, I also miss the reading chair... Once I start getting paid, a reading chair, bookcase and oven are going to be my first purchases ;-)

Beth H said...

Thanks for the tour, Sarah! :)

Dad said...

i noticed your wall decorations are far less than your Lafayette residence. WHo knew you could survive with less!! Is there an IKEA close by? Could probably buy all three items there!

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