Saturday, December 11, 2010

From Seoul With Love

Every family has their Christmas traditions. There are several from my family that stand out in my mind, but there is only one of them that I currently have the resources to recreate in my apartment in Seoul.

Peanut butter fudge. As a kid, I remember my mother would make this for the family Christmas dinners. It was also a special treat when we would watch movies. There are several recipes I inherited from my mother that absolutely cannot be improved upon. Peanut butter fudge is one of those. She so closely guarded the fudge making that I wasn't allowed to try my hand at it until I was nearly 12 years old. And then, I only tried it without her knowledge to make some for a surprise birthday party for her.

The fudge maker gets special priviledges in our household. You see, when you finish making the fudge, this is what you have left.

All of that wonderful, fudgy goodness left in the pan. Once it cools down a bit, the person who made the fudge got to scrape the pan. There were always accusations that certain people would go out of their way to leave extra fudge in the pan for their own private consumption.

Since I am currently the only person residing in this household, I didn't have to fight anyone for the fudge in the pan. It was a bit dissapointing.

The only thing missing was a nice, cold glass of milk. Just like my momma taught me ;-)


Charlie Fehrman said...

The only thing worse than not having anyone to fight wuth for the pan is formerly had pan wrestlers a-plenty and then have none.

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