One of my friends came over for some tea and cookies tonight. She and I met relatively recently, and this was her first time coming to my apartment. I met her near her bus stop, and then we walked over to my apartment. As we got close, we noticed these giant cabinets that were in the trash area. We stopped to look, and we discovered that they were gorgeous and in really good shape. So, we decided that I should adopt one of them.
It was a little awkward, but not terribly heavy. We walked it up the two hills that are between the trash area and my apartment. This is when the problems started. You see, the hallway in my apartment building is a little bit narrow. And there is a set of stairs and a corner you have to turn before you get to my apartment door. We had a few problems getting it all around there.
We were most of the way up the stairs, and starting to figure out how to twist and turn the cabinet to get it to fit around the corner and into the door when my landlord comes out of his apartment and asks what we're doing. At least, I think that's what he asked. He doesn't speak any English, and I was too busy trying to balance a wardrobe on the steps to give too much thought to Korean translation.
My landlord is pretty cool though. He squeezed past the wardrobe, up the steps and helped my friend and I get it into the apartment. It was quite hilarious, I'm sure... Two blonde haired women and an old Korean man trying to communicate with motions, grunts and random Korean words that we all threw out there, balancing a wardrobe up the stairs and around the corner. Thankfully, we finally got it into my living room. That's where it is sitting now. Just kinda hanging out. I think I need to move some furniture in my spare room to make it fit, but this is really good.
There are no closets in Korean apartments, so you need a wardrobe type thing. I have one, but it's a bit sketchy, and really, really tiny. This one is at least twice the size of my current wardrobe, and it is much, much prettier! Now I just have to figure out what to do with the old one... In the meantime, I have this sitting in the middle of my living room, and a great story about dumpster diving and furniture moving in Korea ;)
That is beautiful!! Congratulations! :)
WOW! It's gorgeous! What a find, and it came with a great story as a bonus. :) Can't wait to see it in your home.
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