Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The Lock Museum

Beth and I were wandering around Hyehwa, and we came upon the lock museum. It seemed interesting when we looked it up online, so we decided to go and take a look. It was small, but there were some interesting things to be seen. 
These two were apparently the welcome committee. Or maybe they were the watchers. Either way, they were the first thing you saw when you walked into the exhibit area. They were really small, but they were in this giant glass cube. It was odd. 

There were locks from lots of different time periods and countries. I was amazed at how beautiful the detail work on them was. This lock was probably only six inches long. 

There was an exhibit of animal locks. I think that in the past, different animals represented different things, so you would choose specific animals to lock certain rooms or spaces. But I don't know much more about it than that. The signs weren't so very helpful in this instance. 

Some of the locks didn't actually look like locks. Like this one. It was really pretty! Again, it was smaller than you would have expected, and it was quite intricate. 

Some of the locks were made out of gold. They were especially beautiful. 

There was a lock sculpture in one of the exhibit spaces. 

That thing that is holding this lock up is fishing line. Just to help give you an idea of scale. Again, this lock is tiny, but incredibly detailed. There are individual scales etched into it. 

This was an example of a keychain from back in the day. 

They had some intricately designed cases that were all locked up. 

These are keys that were used at various points in history. Even the keys are pretty. I feel like I'm missing out on an entire aesthetic experience every time I come home now. 

There were locks for just about everything there.... Doors, boxes, and... well... other things :)

This was just a cool sculpture thing near the exit. I don't think it actually had anything to do with locks, but it was nice.


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