Friday, October 15, 2010


Midterms are done. Well, almost done. I still have to give the exam to my IT English students on Tuesday, but the exam has been written, copied and stapled AND the Monday review session is planned. All that remains to be done is the grading. That will be a bit of a nightmare, but it will be over soon enough. 

One of the good things is that I have some extra time off next week. ESWP did midterms a week ahead of the rest of the university to help the students out a little bit with the rest of their exams. So next week, in lieu of attending class every day, we are sponsoring "American Culture Week". What this means is on Tuesday and Thursday we are showing some movies with free popcorn and then doing a short activity after the movie. Students are required to come to one movie and that gets them marked as present for the whole week. We are showing "Up" and "The Terminal" and everyone is pretty excited about it!

As a result of this, I don't have to spend nearly as much time at work this week! I have to go in for an hour or so on Monday to do my IT English review session and for an hour on Friday morning to read books to my 4-6 year olds... But I don't have to go into work at all on Wednesday! Happy day!! My friend Renae and I are getting together at her house and having a baking fest! She has an oven, so we are going to go a little crazy! We have pizza or calzones, bread, brownies, and chocolate chip cookies on the menu! 

It will be really nice to have some extra time to get stuff done. I'll be able to go to the expat banking center and get some stuff set up, and go to the foreigner's district to buy a Korean book and some spices and such that I have been wanting. I can sleep in a little bit, and hopefully make it up to the mountain that is in my neighborhood. 

I'm also planning on posting a lot of pictures on here in the next week or so. I've been unsure about what to post on this blog, so I've been waiting until something special or interesting happened... Then I realized... I live in a foreign country. There are lots of things that are different enough to warrant being interesting. So, I'm going to try and take you on a photo tour of my immediate neighborhood. I'm starting to figure out where to go for different things, so I can show you "my" stores ;-) I also hope to get some pictures of my campus and classroom. I'm going to try to get better about giving more of an idea of what life is like here instead of waiting until something out of the ordinary happens!

As part of my attempts to make this blog a little more user-friendly, I have added a formspring to the right hand side of this page. You can basically ask questions on there, and I'll get them and do my best to answer them. They can be about information you want about Korea, teaching, me... Ask whatever you want, and I'll try to answer it!


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