Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Things I've Seen and Done, Part 4

Sorry this is delayed by a day this week. I forgot all about it on Sunday. Also, before we get to the pictures, here is a small public service announcement.

Since the time has changed in the States, that also changes the way you figure out what time it is in Seoul. Please refer to the handy dandy chart below.

If you live in Eastern time, please add 2 and swap the AM and PM.
If you live in Central time, please add 3 and swap the AM and PM.
If you live in Mountain time, please add 4 and swap the AM and PM.
If you live in Pacific time, please add5 and swap the AM and PM.

With that out of the way, here are some pictures from the city this week.

This is what my freezer looks like right now. That's about 25 pounds of frozen chicken that I ordered on the internet. I'm splitting it with a friend, but still... That's a lot of chicken. 

There was actually a lovely, clear day as I was leaving work last week. This is one of the best sunsets I've seen in Seoul. Granted, I had to be on stairs, on top of a mountain to see it... But it was still lovely. 

A random street in a residential area. 

Christmas decorations are already up and going strong. 

All of those pink things are stacks and stacks of individual Christmas ornaments. There were SO many of them. 

For some reason, this sign really amused me. Maybe it is because it is half English and half Korean.... The Korean part says "sale". That's not a translation, that's the way the word would sound if you read it out loud. 

I saw this phone cover at the Dongdaemun market. If it weren't so expensive, I would have bought it just to have it. 

These little bikes are EVERYWHERE in this city. People strap things to the back, and deliver it all over the place. Most of the time, they deliver food, but I've definitely seen other things on the bikes. These can go anywhere -- streets, sidewalks, it's all fair game. It makes walking interesting. 

This picture was taken early on last week. Apparently the big biography of the year is already translated into Korean. That was fast. 

Ok. This may not look like much to most of you. But this was my plate of food at the thanksgiving dinner at church on Sunday. We celebrated halfway in between American and Canadian thanksgiving. I have turkey, ham, scalloped and mashed potatoes, corn, persimmons, a deviled egg and a dinner roll with butter. It was lovely. 

This is a random culture note from one of my English textbooks. I feel like the world is a more enriched place for having this written down in an official text book. 


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