Sunday, November 27, 2011

Things I've Seen and Done, Part 7

This has inexplicably sitting on an apartment building near mine for the last few days. I don't know why there are random rows of toilet paper sitting on the ledge of the building. I don't know how long they will be there. Maybe this is the Korean version of TPing someone's house??

It was Thanksgiving, and we had so much amazingly delicious food! There was a ham. A real ham that didn't come out of a can! 

There was also a massive, 20 pound turkey that was delicious at the Thanksgiving dinner. It was so wonderful to have food that was familiar and normal without having to travel to seven different stores and pay 3x the normal price. 

These things are currently rocking my world. Imagine something that is a little bit like the puffy cheetos, except of being cheesy awesomeness, these guys taste like brownie batter. Amazing. 

This and the next two pictures are a comic panel from my school's English magazine. For some reason, the combination of the text and images struck me as pretty funny. You can click on the pictures to make them larger. 

This is also from the school's magazine. It was the letter from the editor at the beginning. Maybe I'm getting too old, but I just don't get the sense of loss with the completion of Harry Potter. 

This is really what I've been spending a lot of time doing this week. That's right. Grading. This is just the stuff that I wasn't able to finish at school this week and had to bring home with me. It's a sure sign that the end of the semester is near. I think I graded about 100 quizzes, 50 journals, 100 book reports and I have about 30 essays left to finish from that stack. Whew. 


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