Friday, December 2, 2011

Old habits die hard... Or not at all...

 When I lived in Lafayette with Katie, we had a running joke. One of us would make a pot of soup in the winter, but we'd never measure. We would just use whatever was in the fridge and make soup. This was great for cleaning out the fridge. This was bad as far as the quantity of soup went. There were only two of us, and we always had what we affectionately referred to as the "vat of soup" when it was done. 

When I came to Korea, I thought my days of soup vats were finished. You see, pots are ridiculously expensive here. Also, stoves are considerably smaller, meat cuts are entirely different, and chicken stock just doesn't exist. I've managed to find meat cuts that you can sorta, kinda use in something that almost resembles soup. And I've had bullion shipped over from the States. So I'd made a few batches of soup, but the closest I could get to the fabled vat was my crock pot. 

Then I was at Home Plus last week to buy a Christmas tree. I did get a Christmas tree, but I also happened to walk past the clearance aisle, and I saw a beautiful, stainless steel stock pot. And it was only about $15!! I was so thrilled that it went into my cart straightaway. I came home, and I realized that here was something that was truly worth making soup in. I could feed an entire army out of it! I made beef stew last week. It was rather nice. But I made a rather large pot. I've been eating it every day for a week. Plus I've had people over. Plus I've sent leftovers home with said guests. ::sigh:: Apparently when you no longer have a roommate, it takes twice as long to go through a giant pot of soup. 

Tonight, as I was walking home, I thought it would be a great idea to make another pot of soup. Potato soup this time. I decided that I would actually follow a recipe so I didn't have massive quantities of soup to deal with this week. I dutifully followed the recipe and chopped up 8 potatoes. The only problem was that instead of the nice, smallish pot of soup I was expecting, I ended up with this:

That's right. My giant stock pot is half full of potato soup. It's delicious, but I have SO much of it now. Katie, I'm sure that somehow this is your fault. I didn't have these problems before I lived with you. I feel that it is now your duty to come to Seoul and help me eat some of these giant pots of soup. I'll even make another one for you, since I think potato soup with cheese and milk would be a rather bad idea. 

For everyone else -- does anyone want some potato soup??


Brenton and Kristi said...

That's a lot...but how fun to have a nice big pot! I like the new blog design by the way! :)

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