Friday, December 16, 2011

Google Zeitgeist

Google recently released it's 2011 Zeitgeist. It included the top ten most searched for things in 2011, and a really cool video. Here's the top ten most searched for things in 2011.

10. iPad 2
9. Steve Jobs
8. Fukoshima
7. Adele
6. iPhone 5
5. Battlefield 3
4. Casey Anthony
3. Ryan Dunn
2. Google+

I must admit, this list surprised me a little bit. A lot of stuff has happened in 2011. There have been major uprisings -- revolutions even -- in several parts of the world. There were entirely new countries that were peacefully created in areas that have been entirely characterized by war and genocide. There have been significant tragedies and natural disasters in multiple continents. One of those natural disasters prompted a major nuclear meltdown, or near meltdown. There are major, major world economies who have presidential (or equivalent) elections coming up next year. There have been several major plays who have had shifts of power this year, some more peaceful than others. Even within America, there have been several significant policies passed, debated or repealed. I was glad to see that Fukoshima made the list, but I was suprised (a little) at how much entertainment and gadgets dominated this list. 

However, that surprise was nothing compared to what I felt when I saw the number one fastest rising search in the entire world. 

1. Rebecca Black. 

How did this happen? I just don't know what to make of this. So I'm not going to think about it anymore. 

In happier news, check out this video that Google also released covering some of the more significant events of 2011. I will admit to feeling a little more connected with American culture after watching this movie. Yes, there were a TON of things in here that aren't related to American culture at all... but I sometimes feel like I live in a Korean bubble, and I instantly recognized all of these events and pictures. So that's something, right??

Happy almost-end-of-2011.


Unknown said...

Um, so I have to admit I had never even heard of Rebecca of course I had to google her, haha & watched the "Friday" video on Youtube...and wow. #1? Really??? I'm also stumped.

Loved the Year in Review video though!

N Carlisle said...

Um, yeah - never heard of Rebecca Black, either. Trying to resist Googling her, we'll see how long I can hold out. Loved the video from Google - always refreshing to look back, oddly enough!

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